
Boykin Donahue Campus

  1. Capital Improvement Projects
Engineering Services

Development Services Building

171 N Ross St

Brandy Ezelle, P.E.

Brandy Ezelle, P.E.

Interim Engineering Services Director / City Engineer

Project Overview New Facilities Renovations or Improvements

The project redevelops the previous Public Works and Environmental Services site to be a new recreation and cultural resource center adjacent to the Boykin Community Center campus, as envisioned in the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Master Plan. The campus will include a public library branch, a cultural arts center, Auburn’s first splash pad along with walking trails and a green space. As part of this project, the City’s Recycling Drop Off Center will be relocated to the former site of the City’s Fleet Maintenance operation on North Donahue Drive. Additional phases of the project are anticipated in the future, including a potential recreation center. ​ The project is part of the City of Auburn's Northwest Auburn Neighborhood Plan, and Parks‚ Recreation‚ & Culture Master Plan.

Please note that project completion dates are subject to change based on weather and other conditions. Project anticipated finish dates may not coincide with actual day of opening.

Opening: An official facility opening date for the public will be coordinated by the contractor and City staff, and will be announced at a later date.

Recycling Drop-Off Center temporarily relocating during construction


  1. Design
  2. Bid Advertisement
  3. Contracts
  4. Construction

Bids were opened on September 5, 2024 with W.W. Compton Contractor, LLC as the apparent low bidder.​ City Council approved the ​project including the Cultural Center bid alternate on​ October 1, 2024. The site contractor is installing the sewer line during the first week of February. Utility line work is on-going and will also be conducted during the first week of February. ​
